Saturday, January 25, 2014

1st Article of Faith Song

We got started with this first song.  I had the kids join me in keeping the beat while patting their laps while I sang the song to them.  Then they sang along as we repeated this.

Then we switched to clapping the rhythm of the words.  That is good because as they clap the words you can fix any errors they may have in the rhythm.

Now that they could do both of these, I had half the kids pat the beat while the other half clapped the rhythm.  I chose a child to lead the rhythm.  Just watched to see who was doing a good job and asked that child to lead.

Then we switched sides so that each side got to do both parts.

By then, the kids had the song learned well.  Everyone was doing something all the time so they were busily engaged.

Then I used the Keep the Beat and Clap the Rhythm cards and whenever I changed the cards, they had to do what the card said.  They liked that challenge.  I tried not to just change at the end of phrases which would make it pretty easy.  I wanted them to be really thinking as they sang.

Blogger is having a problem with videos right now, so if this video is not working for you, you can view it on You Tube at

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