Sunday, January 5, 2014

He Sent His Son Introduction

He Sent His Son

To introduce the song, first ask the children the following questions to help them think about how parents teach their children.  I want to focus on the meaning of this song because it is central to the Gospel and is quite profound. I want to help the children connect to these questions in a personal way by letting them reflect on how they talk about these kinds of topics as a family.

The bonus of having this kind of discussion with the children is that they will actually remember the words of the song easier because it will now be very meaningful to them.

Most of the time in our families we are busy with school and homework, activities, sports, music lessons, and the many things we do.  But sometimes we sit down together and talk about some of the really meaningful things in life.  You may do this at your Family Home Evenings or around the dinner table during a Sunday meal. 

1.  What do your parents do to teach you they love you and all the other sweet kinds of feelings like kindness, tenderness and caring? 
2.  What do your parents do to teach you how to make good choices and follow a good path in life?
3.  How do your parents teach you about the hard things that happen in life - when someone dies, when someone has an accident, about making sacrifices to help another person?
4.  What is it that your parents expect you to be or to become?  What kind of a person do they want you to be?

Transition to our song:  Heavenly Father loves us very much and wants to teach us those same things.  He chose a very special way to teach us.  It is the most special thing that has ever happened in the whole history of the earth. 

Here are some questions about Him.  What do you think the answers are?

How could the Father tell the world of love and tenderness?
How could the Father show the world the pathway we should go?
How could the Father tell the world of sacrifice, of death?
What does the Father ask of us?  What do the scriptures say?

Always accept the children's answers and respond to them as they share.  Then when you are done listening to their responses show them the answers from the song.

You can go to Sugar Doodle to get visuals to help you with this.  I particularly like this one by Jolly Jenn:

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