Sunday, February 2, 2020

Songs to go with Come Follow Me, The Book of Mormon

There are some great songs in the songbook that go along with our study of the Book of Mormon this year.

  1. Book of Mormon Stories #118
  2. The Golden Plates #86b
  3. Nephi's Courage #120
  4. Easter Hosanna #68
  5. Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus #36
  6. I Will Follow God's Plan #164 - The Book of Mormon introduces Plan of Salvation.
  7. I Love to See the Temple - The temple is an important part of Nephite worship.
  8. A Child's Prayer #12 - compare this conversation to how Joseph asked his parents how to discover truth.
  9. Search, Ponder, and Prayer- Compare to Moroni Chapter 10

Here are some songs from Shawna Edwards that you can listen to on YouTube.  If you want to use them, you can purchase them at her website with permission to print 5 copies and burn on CD for your Primary Children.

Shawna Edwards website:

This song was written by Monica Scott.  Check it out, also.

Monica Scott website:

Book of Mormon Stories

I am sorry but I just can't do the traditional actions for Book of Mormon stories.  I taught on the Winnebago Indian Reservation in Nebraska and love Native Americans and their culture.  The actions feels like they are promoting stereotypes and I can't do that.  And yet I love the song as do the kids!  

So what to do?

1.  I wanted the children to really understand the message of this song.  And the message needed a little bit of help.  So we added a few words and this is our version:

Book of Mormon stories that my teacher tells to me,
Are about the Lamanites, the Nephites, the Mulekites, the Jaredites in ancient history.
Long ago, etc etc.

On order to do this, we had a little history lesson.  That lesson will continue throughout the year as Come Follow Me introduced these 4 groups of people.    I used the pictures of the boats and we learned who the groups were.  We talked about the Mulekites who never called themselves that.  They are the people of Zarahemla but we decided it was easier to sing "Mulekites"!  The boys were fascinated by the fact that the Jaredites had barges instead of ships.

I made signs for the Nephites and the Lamanites and we talked about how they were just Lehi's family when they came on the ship to America.  Later they split into the two groups.

2.  Many children need to move while they are in singing time so I also taught them some actions for Book of Mormon stories that we later transferred to drums.  

We used both hand on their knees and did "Walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, Jump jump jump."
The rhythm would be Slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, quick, quick, slow."

We repeated that pattern with each line of the song except when we sang the names of all four groups of people we added more "walking".

When they all knew the pattern well, I had them kneel at their chairs and use their chairs as drums.  That works great because they all got to do it at the same time.  

Sometimes I bring my hand drums to class and let a few give that a try.  It is a lot of fun for the kids, they are learning to keep a rhythm going while singing, and they are all kept busy and involved.

Puppets with Singing Time

I bought this set of puppets on Oriental Trading and did a bit of work on them to give them some personality.  Each has a name and they are helping me to discover who is singing and who isn't.  When the child becomes the "voice" of the puppet I learn a whole lot about them. 

I also like to do fun musical things with the kids.  I just love making harmony.  So today we began to learn a harmony part that will go with The Golden Plates.  It's rather a 50s backup harmony but easy and fun for all.  It will also give an opportunity for soloists who want to sing and have the puppets back them up.

This is my harmony for The Golden Plates:

Monday, April 7, 2014

Article of Faith Song Videos

Instructional videos for the Article of Faith songs have been added to each of the songs!

Click on the link on the right side of the page to the Article of Faith songs and then scroll to which ever song you want to see. The instructions are always first, followed by a copy of the music, and then the video. Hope these help you to understand the instructions for the movement.

Friday, February 21, 2014

13th Article of Faith Song

This article of faith is so beautiful and poetic.  We want the movement to enhance the message so we are going to choreograph this one in style!

Beginning:  Have the children start by standing with the feet apart and hands at their side.  They sing the first phrase in this position.

Action Part 1:  Walking up the Wall:  Then as they begin to sing the words "Honest, True, Chaste, Benevolent, Virtuous"  they will "walk" their hands upward in front of them. So start with "honest" and extend right hand in front at waist height. Then on "true" the left hands joins, only a little higher. The right hand on "chaste" is again higher, left hand on "benevolent" and finally on "Virtuous" both hands are extended straight up.

Now both hands forming fists, elbows bent, the arms jerk downward as the children say "Yes".

Action Part 2:  The Disco Dance:  Then we are doing a rolling of the hands to the beat while hands and body move first to the right and then to the left in "disco" style while singing the song.

At the words "We believe all things" the Action Part 1 repeats: Walking Up the Wall. Right hand out in front "We believe all things". Left hand: "We hope all things". Right hand: "We have endured many things".  Finally both hands are up high on the long note for Hope. Then we walk our hands downward as we sing "to be able to endure all things." (five walking steps downward)

Action Part 2:  The Disco Dance repeats now as we sing "If there is anything virtuous, lovely or of good". . . Then on the words "report or praiseworthy" where we have a fermata (hold) we roll our hands in front of us quickly. Then resume the disco dance through the end of the song. End with a little jump right hand extended backwards and left hand extended forwards.

Senior Primary can learn this easily.  Jr. Primary  - teach a little bit each week until they have it.

12th Article of Faith Song

This song is a march!  It has to be to fit with the patriotic theme of this article of faith.

The actions are like this:

We believe in being subject to kings - Marching following by three imaginary "beats of the drums" while singing "boom, boom, boom" along with the piano part.

Presidents,rulers, and magistrates - Marching

In obeying, obeying - Divide into sections A and B again.  The A section sings first while freezing in a "saluting pose" while the B section keeps marching.  The B sections now sings the echo "obeying" while also freezing in "saluting pose"  (A section continues to be frozen)

Honoring - marching resumes

And sustaining, sustaining - same action as "in obeying"

the law.  Stay frozen and end with two imaginary beats of the drum "boom, boom"!

After the kids know the song well, I would line them up and I would be the leader - The Drum Major.  (I may even want a hat and baton to lead my group around).  Our room is small so I would have them follow me right out the front door of the primary room and down the hall and into the back door of the primary room.  There is no one we would really disturb by doing this.  Don't forget that when you are marching in a line EVERYONE needs to stop moving forward when you sing the "obeying" and "sustaining" sections of the song!

11th Article of Faith Song

This is our only song that is in 3/4 time - having three beats per measure so we will just have some fun with triple time.

The song is easy to learn.  It has a quiet quality and needs to sung with a lovely singing voice.  The last note needs to be held while the piano plays a short ending.

Teach the song with a simple beat pattern of both hands touching lap following by two claps of the hands. Cue this as Down Clap Clap.  Emphasize that the first action is the strong beat while the clapping is the weak beat.  They should FEEL that strong beat so make it a loud clap on the lap followed by two softer claps of the hands.

As soon as you can hear and feel that Strong Weak Weak beat of the movement add the song.  End by doing Down Clap Clap Down

Only doing what I did above will entertain the children for a couple of minutes.  It is much too easy once they can do it.  So the fun part of this song is to see how many triple beat patterns the children can invent that will go with this song.  And then let the children take turns leading the movement while everyone sings.

Some examples:  Stomp foot, clap, clap;  Clap, touch head, touch head;  Clap, jump, jump

You want to let the children be as creative as they can without being irreverent and just plain silly.