Friday, February 21, 2014

12th Article of Faith Song

This song is a march!  It has to be to fit with the patriotic theme of this article of faith.

The actions are like this:

We believe in being subject to kings - Marching following by three imaginary "beats of the drums" while singing "boom, boom, boom" along with the piano part.

Presidents,rulers, and magistrates - Marching

In obeying, obeying - Divide into sections A and B again.  The A section sings first while freezing in a "saluting pose" while the B section keeps marching.  The B sections now sings the echo "obeying" while also freezing in "saluting pose"  (A section continues to be frozen)

Honoring - marching resumes

And sustaining, sustaining - same action as "in obeying"

the law.  Stay frozen and end with two imaginary beats of the drum "boom, boom"!

After the kids know the song well, I would line them up and I would be the leader - The Drum Major.  (I may even want a hat and baton to lead my group around).  Our room is small so I would have them follow me right out the front door of the primary room and down the hall and into the back door of the primary room.  There is no one we would really disturb by doing this.  Don't forget that when you are marching in a line EVERYONE needs to stop moving forward when you sing the "obeying" and "sustaining" sections of the song!

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