Thursday, February 20, 2014

7th Article of Faith Song

My Primary always sits in two sections with a walking space or row dividing the two sides.  I am going to assume you all do this.  For this song it is important that there are two distinct "sections".  I will call them the A and B sections.

The song is in 6/8 time but it is duple time or two beats per measure.  This gives the effect of "rocking" and it will be very easy for the children to pick up this movement.  Have them stand with their feet apart so they are balanced and as you sing the song everyone will lean first to their right and then to their left to the beat of the music.  BUT when you get to the repeated words "visions and healing" then the groups become independent of each other and move only when they sing.  So the A section will sing first and the B section will be the echo.  So B freezes while A sings "visions" and leans to their right.  A now freezes as B sings the echo and leans to their right.  Now everyone is leaning right.  The opposite now takes place and the A section leans to the left on "healing' while B is frozen and then A freezes while B sings the echo and leans to the left.  Then everyone leans right/left as in the beginning while they finish the song up to the word "tongues".

At this point with legs still spread apart everyone stands upright and does the clapping rhythm (short long short long).  The song ends with a bow (one hand across body in front and the other across body in back) as they sing "and so forth".

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