Saturday, January 4, 2014

In a Grove of Trees

This is another welcome/wiggle song for Junior Primary.  I wanted something to celebrate the Restoration. We act it out as we sing it:

In a grove of trees:  hands raised, fingers extended for leaves
On a bright spring day:  hand form circle to represent the sun
Young Joseph knelt to pray:  children kneel with arms folded
He saw the Father and the Son:  hand over eyes as if looking up
And he also heard them say:  hand cupped behind ear as if listening

It's time:  we do one hand up with the other above it forming a "T"
to restore my church again:  two hands form roof of church
The promised day:  right hand extends forward
has come:  left hand joins right hand extended forward.

Try to do the movement right on the beat with the music.

After the kids know the song well, try singing it a bit faster.  It's hard to do the actions quickly and they enjoy trying to do it.  They usually do better than I do.

Game:  this can be played as a game where you send someone into the hall while you hide a Book of Mormon or a picture of the Gold Plates somewhere in the room.  They are brought back in and have to find it.  The children sing the song softly if the person is far away from the hidden object and louder as they get close to it.  Nice way to celebrate that the Restoration brought back the Book of Mormon.

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